
Communion makes use of physical elements (bread and wine) to fulfill Christ’s command given at the Last Supper to “do this in remembrance of me”. (Luke 22:19) By partaking of communion we are giving thanks for all that God does for us as our Lord and Savior. Moravians partake of an “open” communion, meaning all baptized believers are welcome to receive communion. In receiving the elements of communion with prayer and faith we are joining together with God and the Holy Spirit.


Communions Throughout the year:

Epiphany of the Lord (January)
Lent Communion (February/March)
Maundy Thursday (March/April)
Day of Pentecost Communion (May)
John Hus Communion (July)
August 13 Communion (August)
World Communion Sunday (October)
Christ the Chief Elder Communion (November)
