Union Cross Moravian Church tagline - The Crossroads of Faith and Fellowship


Church Watchword for 2024Let us run with perseverance the race that is set before, looking to Jesus, the pioneer and perfector of our faith. Hebrews 12:1-2

Union Cross Moravian Church collage of religious images representing faith

At Union Cross Moravian Church, we are a Christian community built on the values of faith and fellowship.

Nestled at the heart of the Union Cross area between Kernersville, Winston-Salem, and High Point, we stand as a source of spiritual guidance, engaging worship, and fellowship.

We are proud of our Moravian heritage and embrace innovation to meet the evolving needs of our congregation and the communities we serve.

Join us on an enriching journey with Jesus Christ to the crossroads where faith and fellowship meet, and enjoy a deeper connection with God along the way!


Join us for worship every Sunday at 11 a.m. We also offer Sunday School for all ages, Bible Studies, Group Fellowships, Mission Outreach, and more. Get involved, grow your faith, and enjoy the fellowship! Click here for more.

Union Cross Moravian Church Environmental Stewardship

Environment Stewardship

At Union Cross Moravian Church, being good stewards of God’s creation is critical to our faith, that is why we invested in a 192 panel solar array that makes us totally free from using fossil fuels. By being energy independent, we have reduced our carbon dioxide footprint by 60 tons per year!

Union Cross Thrift Store

In 2018, we realized that by utilizing our church facilities and working together we could open a thrift store and provide our community with very affordable clothing and household items. The proceeds assist in supporting our community, church and mission activities. Click here to learn more.

Union Cross Thrift Store