Being Moravian

The Moravian Church, also known as the Unitas Fratrum (Unity of the Brethren), is one of the oldest Protestant denominations in the world with a rich and unique history dating back to the 15th century.

Founded by followers of Jan Hus, a Czech reformer and theologian, the Moravian Church emerged in the region of Moravia, which is now part of the Czech Republic. Hus’s teachings emphasized the importance of a personal relationship with God.

One of the distinctive features of the Moravian Church is its strong sense of community and mission. Moravians believe in living a simple and humble life guided by the principles of faith, love, and hope.

We have a long tradition of missionary work, establishing communities and spreading our beliefs across continents. In the 18th century, Moravian missionaries played a significant role in the global spread of Christianity, reaching places like North America, the Caribbean, Africa, and Asia.

The Moravian Church is also known for its unique form of worship, which includes hymn singing, prayer, and communal activities. We place a strong emphasis on unity and equality, with both men and women holding leadership positions and actively participating in the church’s ministries.

Today, the Moravian Church continues to thrives worldwide. It remains a vibrant and inclusive Christian denomination. We value our historical roots while embracing the challenges and opportunities of the modern world.

The Moravian Church emphasizes only those core values made clear in the Bible, especially those taught and lived by our Lord Jesus Christ.  Moravians regard Jesus Christ to be the highest and best revelation of the nature of God.

Issues not made clear in the Bible, particularly those that have historically divided the Church, are left to the individual. For example, we do not teach a specific understanding of communion; all are welcome to meet at the Lord’s Table and receive His blessings.

Being Moravian

We do not conform to a particular interpretation of scriptures; instead, Jesus brings us together. Thus the Moravian Church does not focus so much on “right doctrine” but on “right living.”

Some of our basic beliefs are contained in a document known as The Ground of the Unity. Adhering to a list of beliefs, members are asked to agree to a standard of life known as The Moravian Covenant for Christian Living. For more information, visit the website of the Moravian Church.

Moravian Church FastFacts

  • The worldwide Moravian Church consists of 19 provinces with more than 1 million members, half of which live in Africa. Moravians are members of the World Council of Churches.
  • The Southern Province, headquartered in Winston-Salem, N.C., includes over 13,000 members in 55 congregations, which are located primarily throughout the Southeast.
  • The Northern Province of the Moravian Church in America, headquartered in Bethlehem, PA, counts more than 16,000 members in 90 congregations in 13 states in the U.S. and two Canadian provinces.
  • There are Moravian churches in:
Being Moravian
  • Each province of the Moravian Church is led by the Provincial Elders’ Conference (PEC).
  • Each congregation is led by a Board of Elders and Board of Trustees. These elected individuals are tasked with the upkeep of the temporal and spiritual matters of the congregation.
  • The Moravian Church runs a conferential style of government. No one person is in charge. This testifies to our belief in the true head of the church, Jesus Christ as our Chief Elder.